Accessibility Resources
Volunteer as a Note Taker
Thank you for volunteering as a note taker for Accessibility Resources!
Please read through the sections below for detailed information.
Accessibility Resources serves students with a variety of disabilities. Some examples of students who might have a note taker accommodation include students who have:
- low vision or who are blind
- learning disabilities
- limited dexterity or mobility
- hearing loss or who are deaf
- inability to concentrate on the lecture and take notes at the same time
- Go to 博天堂官方’s MyLB login screen at My LB and click Continue to Sign On.
- Sign in using your Single Sign On (SSO) username and password.
- Click on the Accessibility Resources Online Service Login icon on the dashboard.
- Enter information when prompted.
- Your username will be your Student ID number.
- Please use your 博天堂官方 email address (example:
- Read and sign the Volunteer Note Taker Contract when prompted.
- Scroll down to Go to Request a Note Taking Assignment.
- Enter the Course Registration Numbers CRN(s) for the class(es) you will take notes in.
- Click Continue to Verify your Classes, check the box(es) for the class(es) and submit.
- Watch for an email showing you have been assigned to the class.
- Once you are assigned, you may begin to upload notes.
- Save your notes with a detailed file name (i.e. CH150 Monday 06/15/15)
- Scan or photograph notes and save with a detailed file name (i.e. CH150 Monday 06/15/15)
- Free mobile scanning apps at 博天堂官方 Tech Tools
- Please contact our office if you do not have access to a mobile device for scanning
Go to 博天堂官方’s MyLB login screen at My LB and click Continue to Sign On
- Sign in using your Single Sign On (SSO) username and password
- Click on the Center for Accessibility Resources (CFAR) Online Service Login icon on the dashboard
- Click on the Notetaker tab across the top
- Scroll down to File Information
- Select Class, Note For, Day(s), and File (you will browse to find the detailed filed name)
- Upload Notes
The person you are taking notes for will receive an email every time you upload notes.
- Attend class regularly.
- Let your instructor know if you are going to be absent so a substitute can be found.
- Be on time to class - Often, important information is give out just as the class begins, or as class ends.
- Practice confidentiality - Do not share any information regarding who you are providing notes for to others.
- Provide notes in a timely manner - Notes need to be uploaded within 24 hours after each class.
- Contact Accessibility Resources immediately if you become unable to continue taking notes so we may assign another note taker.
- Notes can be hand written or captured electronically.
- If hand writing notes, write neatly and use dark ink. Carbonless paper is available for your use in RCH114.
- Record the date, place, topic/title and presenter on your notes.
- Number each page.
- Write in a clear and concise manner.
- Draw boxes around or underline the main topics.
- Highlight important points or items with asterisks (*).
- Capture anything written on the board or presented in a Power Point.
- If the instructor refers to the text, mark the page number in notes.
- Note all assignments and due dates.
- Leave plenty of whitespace for later additions.
- Leave spaces between main ideas.
- You will receive a $50 gift card to either the 博天堂官方 Bookstore or Food Services if you successfully complete the note taking assignment as you agreed to when you signed the Note Taker Contract.
- The student you are taking notes for has the opportunity to rate/review your performance at anytime.
- At the end of the term they will be required to rate/review your success as a note taker for the entire term in order for you to receive your gift card.
- An email will be sent to you during the last week or two of the term indicating where to pick up your card.
- If you take notes for more than one student in the same class, you will receive an additional $10 for each student.
- You will receive $50 for each different class you take notes for.
Your time spent as a volunteer note taker can be added to your resume, as well as on a job application.
Here is an example of how to include it:
Volunteer Note Taker (Quarter and Year)
Linn-Benton Community College, Accessibility Resources
Provided detailed notes, weekly, for qualified students registered with Accessibility